Monday, May 30, 2011

5th W.A. > 5th Trip to Melbourne @ Great Ocean Tours_Lorne, Anglesea & Look Out Point!

Selepas dari pintu gerbang Great Ocean Road tuu... bermula lah laluan sebenar yg agak adventure! ibarat cam jalan di cameron highland.. jalan nya macam ularr.. berlengkang lengkok sepanjang perjalanan... memang curammmm dan agak menggerunkan.. tapi view sepanjang perjalanan.. Masyallah... menghilangkan segala perasaan itu... aku rasa semua org pun camgitu.. sbb tak sorang pun yg mabuk sampai termuntah-muntah sepanjang perjalanan.. hehehe.. semua dok enjoying the stunning coastal views!

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Agenda:- Pass through these popular seaside resort towns of Lorne & Angelsea, view some spectacular beaches & lookouts.

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sebelah kanan nampak gunung!

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sebelah kanan nampak beautiful beaches!

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The Pacific Ocean!

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just can't take our eyes from this scenic views!

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at times love to see this rock wall as well!

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Fantastic! Terpikir macam mana lah org dulu2 yg jumpa Great Ocean Road nie.. and built up this road amazingly!

nie aerial view of Great Ocean Road di bahagian Lorne & Angelsea coastal seaside road! *pic cilok dari pakcik gOOgle*

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sekali sekala toleh jugak ke belakang van... still with wonderful view!

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This is Grand Pacific Hotel!  yep! kat sana memang ade resort2 yg boleh di diami.. tapi mengikut kata tourist guide kiteorg.. resort2 disekitar kawasan Great Ocean Road nie memang akan penuh during musim summer... coz tempat nie sangat terkenal ngan aktiviti surfing! soo.. kalau nak wat lawatan during musim panas memang aku rasa journey dan permandangan lebih cantik sbb tak hujan.. pasti matahari terik dan langit membiru.. cuma yg tak best.. everything will be expansive and crowded!
Ok.. sepanjang perjalanan.. ade a few pit stop as Look Out Point!  Kat sini memang tempat org berhenti laa.. especially tourist macam kami nie.. hehe..

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'batu bersurat'

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waktu nie awan cukup tebal! memang sepanjang perjalanan nie.. cuaca kejap cerah.. kejap kang gelap.. sbb angin tolak awan2 tebal tu.. so tu yg cuaca tak menentu... anyway, basically view @ look out point nie superb!

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cuaca kelabu pun kelabu laahhh.. janji aku tak kelabu! :p

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tinggi kedudukan kami nie! biler pandang ke bawah! memang ketaqq lutut!
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I love sea and I love you too!

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Ok dah settle kat sini... lepas nie kite sambung ke destinasi seterusnya pulak yer! ;)


  1. cantiknye pemandangan laut tuuuuuuuuu......

  2. cantik view walau langit kdg2 kelam..

  3. bestnyeeeeeeeeeeee...rasa macam akak pon ikut sekali tu

  4. neena, gmbr2 neena semua cantik.. view yang ramai 1st time tgk.. mekchu? gambar basi.. (malu....)

  5. nice view...hilang stress bila tengok pic u ;)

  6. risa:
    hehehe.. jom2.. sama2 kite berjalan kat sini! :D

  7. mekchu:
    hihi.. takpe mekchu! at least mekchu tengok gak kann.. thanks yea! :)

  8. Bitt:
    hehehe.. Thanks a lot beb! :)
