Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Semalam... aku & Nuar satu hari suntuk jadik artis! Our time schedule very pack!! Vahhh... vahhh.. vahhh... artis lar sgt kan... buat serios! memang tersangat lah pack! Dari pagi sampai ke malam we ollzz memenuhi undangan... Siang Photoshoot & malam undangan berbuka puasa pula....
Wahh.. ayat artis! ahaks!! Takper lah... bagi lar aku channn kann.. nak verangan-rangan menjadik artiss niee... huhuhuhu....

So, di siang hari nyer we ollzz menjalani satu shooting session @ KL area.... seawal 10 pagi kiteorg dah ready dah... coz kol 11 pagi dah janji ngan Tuan Director tuk start shooting! Janji berjumpa pengarah di BB Plaza Bukit Bintang...

Models (me & hubby) bersama Tuan Director (Lee) & Assistant Director (Za)
~Gambar Ihsan dari Lee~

Shooting about what? Aallaa... shooting about "Kisah Cinta" kami berdua... huhuhuhu... So, ianyer di jalankan secara 2 konsep... satu videography session.. where we both need to tell about our loves story... ala... citer yg aku penah story kat blog aku nie lar dulu.. Our Love Chronology tuuu... so, semalam we ollzz abadikan our loves story tu kat dlm version Video pula.. so more life and natural lar kannn... coz nuar akan ceritakan his version of our loves story and me will tell mine... and one more concept is more to photography session....

Best arr work ngan tuan pengarah nie... sempoiiii jek!
~Thanks to Za sbb tolong amikkan gambar2 diatas with my HP~

Tuk videography session tu aku tak leh lar nak letak kat sini kan... sbb nama pun recording... everything is with tuan director.... So, the only things yg aku boleh share ngan korang kat sini adelah gambar2 yg sempat dirakamkan semalam....

Nak tengok kat mana area2 yg we olllzz buat shooting? Sooo, folllowww jer lar entry2 aku berikutnyer yerr....


  1. wah!!!! shooting... bestnya..

    akhirnya abadikan "Our Love Chronology" dengan lebih menarik...

    tahniah both of you.. to make it as a film.. your own love story...

  2. wah siap vedio??? bila leh siap tu??? tak sabar tuk ku tonton...

  3. memang syok ar.. leh jadi bintang pilem gituh...

    bila leh siap nie?

  4. tempat yang jammed ya hamat hari keja nie...eh klu xkeja pun memang sokmo jammed ohh kat c2..xda orang dok usha2 ke sis???heheheh

  5. kak neena...got so many question to ask.....

    1)for wat this shooting
    2)how they got to know about u
    3)when can watch this
    4)wat channel

    but anyway both of u look so great......

  6. lidasyah:
    memang best Ida... plus penat! hehehe..

    yeahh... gituh lar nampaknyer ianyer dpt lah diabadikan secara live...

    Thanks Ida! *Hugs*

    Suki Cida:
    hahaha.. biler boleh siap tu kene tanyer pada tuan director kite tuu..

    huhuhu.. bintang filemm lar sgt kannn.. biler siap tu tak sure sbb tuan director masih lagi memprocess video itu...

  7. Purplelicious:
    hahaha.. ramai giler sis org yg dok usha2... sbb dah sememangnyer jalan tu amat sibuk kannn.. harus lah byk mata yg memandang... hehe..

    my answer-
    1) about my loves story
    2) ohh.. they are my frens
    3) dunno, coz now still under editing process
    4) hahahaha... what channel? only at my house! huhuhuhu...

    Thanks Dear! ;)
