Thursday, October 20, 2011

Saya Sangattt Sayangggggggggg Adik Sayaa!!! *Precious Moments Pictures*

Qaseh memang banyak menunjukkan ciri2 seorang kakak... sifat jealous tu tak terpancar sangat punn... dia punyer sayanggg adik Anith dia tuuu.. sampaikan budak tu nak tido pun tak dpt... ye lah.. kejap2 kang dia gie ciumm adik dia.. kejap2 kang dia gi ciuumm adik dia... yg sian nya kat si adik lah.. asal nak tidooo jerk kene ciumm... ahahaha.. but what ever it is.... memangg sweeeeeeettttttt sangatt tengok moment kakak Qaseh sayanggg adik Anith Zara dia tu...

So let's enjoy the precious moment being captured by Uncle Nuar!

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hah.. amikk!! sampai terbeliakk bijik mata adik! ehehhe...
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yg nie sampai terjelirrr! =))

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Anith:  Isshhhh!! Tepi lah kakakk... Anith nak tido niee!!

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Sweet gambar nie! Anith like smiling! :)

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Tak kire! nak jugakk ciummm adik lagi dan lagiii!

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Hah!! amik ko penumbuk sebijik dari adik Anith! ahahahaha....

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Kasih seorang kakak yang bernama Qaseh!

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2 beloved sisters!

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hahahaha... akhirnya adik Anith dah ngamookk!!

Adik dah ngamokk.. so kene berhenti satt... kasik dia tenang.. then baru boleh sambung buli adik balik! hehehe.. this time Untie Nin nak menyelit sama! ahaksssssss!!

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seriously I simply lovesssssss this candid moment!

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and this shoot toooo!!!

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Seriously I really loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee all candid & spontaneous pictures that being captured by en. teman!  TQ so much Bee for all wonderful pictures!  

I hope when these 2 little babies grown up... they can refer to my tiny blog and see how much I love them both! 


  1. picture bertiga semua sgt cantik..pandai abg nuar ambik & pandai model2 dia pose..:)

  2. 3 baby yang cute walau yg sorang tu....ehehemmm...ehemmmmmm

  3. lebat rambut baby..bestnye bau baby

    **hah p terjah fullhouse buka...char kuey teow sedap kt psr mlm mn tu?

  4. ya Allah... syomel sungguh mereka berdua tu

    awak plak... harus la jelita


  5. alololo tomeinya dua beradik nih!

  6. so sweetttttttttttt sampai nak leleh air mata tgk da happiness...:)

  7. cantik last pic tue.. mmg nmpk kasih syg seorg kakak pd adiknya..
