Thursday, March 26, 2015

Siapa Peminat Phua Chu Kang, Kumar, Douglas Lim and Rizal Van GeyzelKene Tengok “Laugh Die You” Show Nie!

Aku memang peminat mereka berempat nie! siapa tak kenal phua chu kang kan?? Then yg tengah meningkat naik skg nie adelah Kumar... they both are comedian from Singapore.. diaorg selalu buat standup comedy show!

So on this coming 14th and 15th May 2015, Popcorn Studio will bring this Laugh Die You show at HGH Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur! Its more like Malaysia VS Singapore comedian lah.. siapa tak kenal ngan Douglas Lim kan? Dia salah sorang standup comedian dari Malaysia.. dia penah perform during Lawak Ke Der 3 kat Istana Budaya dulu.. Oh seriously aku tak leh nak bayangkan how Kumar VS Douglas Lim nanti.!

Ni gambar2 waktu press conference yg telah dilakukan pada 18th March yg lalu!

So you guys should grab the ticket now sebab ade early bird ticket tau.. korang boleh dpt up to 15% discount for VIP and Gold ticket.. beli before 31st March nie ya!

For more info, korang boleh layan video from these 4 comedians!

Insyallah aku akan pegi tonton show nie pada 14th May.. so kalau korang pegi.. jgn lupa jerit2 nama kak Neen ya! Jom sama2 kite gelak sampai pecah perot! Hehehe...

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