Monday, April 28, 2014

Thank You!

Dear Allah.. 
Thank you so much for giving me more than I could ask for!  Thank you for blessing me much more  than I deserve! ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Dear All... 
I would like to thank all of you for your kind birthday wishes, doa & prayers! I'm so blessed to have you guys around me... I didn't know most of you personally in reality but yet I can feel so close with you guys through this cyber connection!  Do keep in touch and love you all! ๐Ÿ˜˜

And.. not forgetting.. Thank you so much Mom.. for the safe delivery on 25th April 1980! Honestly I miss you so much mom! ๐Ÿ˜”

And for you my beloved hubby.. Thank you so much for loving me no matter what my “performance” is.   Seeing you truly love me through all my imperfections makes me see the love of Allah more clearly.  Thank you for that… I love you to the fullest darl! ๐Ÿ˜


  1. happy birthday neena..semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan usia...
    nak tanya kain tu beli mana? sangat cantik :):)

  2. sweetnya sis nie
    anum doakan semoga sis panjang umur dah sentiasa happy

  3. happy belated birthday! wishing you good health and stay gorgeous always!

  4. salam kenal kak..canteknya skirt tu..mana beli..heheheehehe..anyway,hepi birthday ye kak.semoga bahagia disamping suami tercinta..

  5. Happy birthday,, slm perkenalan..
    semoga ceria selalu.. always pretty,,

  6. happy birthday... semoga murah rezeki.. btw cantik la skirttt

  7. happy belated befday, kak neena..
