Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why I Have to Work the Rest of My Life?

Expatriate:  Did you cook everyday?
Me:  Nope! I only cook during weekends not weekdays!
Expatriate:  Why?
Me:  Too late for me to do any cooking activities after work..
Expatriate:  Then you buy outside food during weekdays?
Me:  Yes..
Expatriate:  ohh.. I can’t eat outside food everyday…
Me:  Is your wife full time housewife?
Expatriate:  Yes!  
Me:  Then ok.. you can have home cook everyday!  
Expatriate:  yea.. that’s why woman are not encourage to go out and work!
Me:  yea.. true.. true!  But you’re expatriate here..  you being paid very well.. not like us in Malaysia.. we all have to work in order to have appropriate & good life… unless you are rich and famous person.. then only wife can just sit and relaxed at home!
Expatriate:  hahaha…
Me:  Honestly, now everything is expanding! Nothing is getting cheap but everything is getting expansive!  We have to struggle to survive here.. yea in a way I can just stay at home and my husband can work alone.. but yet I can’t have a good life just like you and your wife!  You can have cars & houses even you are the only person who is working at your hometown… while me and husband maybe can only afford to own a bicycle throughout our life!  Haha…
Expatriate:  *smiling*
Me:  I’ve travelled to other country… I can see how tax being used appropriately by the country!  What you pay.. you get the benefit in return.. which totally different from our current situation here in Malaysia.. we keep on paying so many things but at the end.. nothing benefiting us in return!
Expatriate:  yea.. yea.. true.. I can see that too!  Normally tax payer should get some benefit from out of it… hmmmmmmmm….
Me:  hehe… so now you get the answer why I have to work for the rest of my life?
Expatriate: yea.. yea… hehe…

Keep on smiling... Have faith... Cheer up & Color up your life even though your heart is screaming towards the cruel world! Insyallah the cruel people will get their punishment upon akhirat... May Allah bless all of us for our strength! 



  1. couldn't agree more. How i wish i can stay at home. Away from work chaos. Be right beside my darling baby. Watch her growing up. Itu semua mimpi semata mata!

  2. kak neena. this is intelligent entry!
    kadang2, org x nak mengaku reality yg kita sedang go thru , tp ini hakikakt.

    pay for tax, but no benefits at all. kita ni mcm dah sign kontrak untuk keje sampai mati :(

  3. sukanyaa baca entry awak ni.. nice blog! teruskan menulis =)

  4. setuju sgt..nk sharing boleh..:)

  5. syg, i know, ni soalan out of topic, but, saya nak tanya juga, awak beli tudung awak kat mana? heee. saya suker T_T serius! cantik wei!!! :)
