Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Wishing HAPPY DIWALI to All My Indian Relatives & Friends!


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Mera Naam...

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Neena Hai!

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Let's dance Kuch Kuch Hota Hai!

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Eh.. Nehi.. nehi...

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I don't know how to speak in Hindustani.. but I still wanna wish...

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Happy Deepavali to all my relatives & friends who celebrate Diwali day tomorrow!

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May the happiness that this season brings...

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Brighten your life....

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with happiness and prosperity...

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and fulfills all your dearest dreams!  Happy Holiday Everyone! :)

p/s:  credit to my officemate yg susah payah snapkan gambar2 nie for me... sessi cam whore di office last Friday dengan menggunakan camera godang en.teman with regards to Diwali Dinner Celebration! hahaha... first time aku kendong camera godang tu tanpa tuan yg sebenar... so puas ku lenjan.. walaupun tak berapa pandai nak setting.. ku hantammm jerk apa sajork mode setting yg ado! :p  Anyway... will share the dinner story later2 yea! (:


  1. Cantikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Hehehe kak neen celebrate jugak kan? ur dad's side

  2. mekchu ada sepasang punjabi suit tuh.. tp tak tahu bila nak pakai :) dan tak pandai nak bergaya dengan selendang tuh..

    happy holiday neena..

  3. memang kajol sangat..........sebijik...

  4. cayaklah beb! u look gorjes! abislah kajol tak boleh cari makan pasnih :D

  5. diulangi... mmg K.a.j.o.l

    superb sis... hv a blast sis

  6. perghh memang sejibik la kajol...huhuhuhu tapi tu la tak dapat nak baca lagi kat bawah2 tu sebab pc saya amat lah lembabbbb..lambat betul dia loading nak kuar gambo u yg gonjeng tuh..haihh
