Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Autumn In My Heart! NeenaAnuar Cherish Their ♥ @ Fitzroy Garden Melbourne!

I just don't wanna say pretty much about it... let's give a room for those lovely pictures describe our lovessss... our heart... our bonding... and our eternity!

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We wish that Autumn will never go away... we pray that one day we will back here again... millions of memories we built it here... Autumn will be always in our heart! ♥♥♥



  1. arghh nak jugak!!
    nak jugak!!!

    "Dear.... where r'u????" :p

  2. klu ade rezeki akak pun nak kesana ..
    tapi sapa nak tolong ambikan gambar ai .. hukhukhuk

  3. so sweet...mcm cite honeymoon d best nie

  4. tak tau nak cakap apa.. nasib baik tak tgk mawie n ekin tu.. kalo tak, saing2 je kita berguling atas oak leaves tu..

  5. sweet sgt both of you..
    wish u happiness foreverr....... :)

  6. weewitt gambar leh buat videoclip
