Thursday, June 16, 2011

5th W.A. > 5th Trip to Melbourne @ PUFFING BILLY Journey > Belgrave - MenzCreek - Belgrave!

Ok.. tepat jam 12:30 tgh.. si Puffing Billy harus memulakan perjalanan...

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jom naik train antik nie jom!

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tu menahan sejukk kalo begitu tuu! huhuhu....

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My muchukkk yg tak sabar!

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nak2 biler si Billy dah meng-Puffingg-kan asapnyer sebegituu!

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Gorjes gonjeng cam kanak2 ribena yg tak sabarr dah menunggu masa si Billy utk bergerak! :p

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hover eksitedd tawwww!! leh geng ngan bebudak kat sebelah tu! :p

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yea.. we are ready for the antique journey!! :p

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The Station Master! perghhh! nie pun sangatt heritage okkkk... kalau dulu2 kan biler keretapi nak bergerak. dia punyer station master akan hanyunn kan locenggg dia.. pastu dia akan ckp something... apa entah.. aku pun tak berapa dengar apa yg dia ckp time tu.. tapi memang terasa sangattt traditional lahh.. sbb selalu gak teengok citer org putih zaman dolu2 kann.. memang camgini lah gaya nyer! hehhee...

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pastu dia akan kata Bye Bye.. sambil lambai2 kat semua penumpang!

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Billy dah bergerak!  Asapp kepol2 putihh keluarr sambil kedengaran bunyikk.... "SSssccchhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sssccchhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!" 

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waktu nie memang aku gilerrr punyer eksited! gonjeng jakunn jakii jadik nyer! hehehe.. ye lah nie betoi2 first time merasa naik oldskool punyer train kannn... especially time kepala train keluarkan asapp putihh camgituu... huhuu... seronottt!!

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Fuhhhhh!! sib baik tak hujan!! kalau hujannn.. memang tak dpt duduk camgini.. untai-untai kaki camgini.. hehehe! Yeaa.. kalau korang naik train nie.. jgn segan2 nak wat camgin iyer! sila lah melunjurkan kaki andaa sebegini... utk menikmati permandangan yg indah disepanjang perjalanan!  But if it is raining.. memang korang tak leh lah duduk camgini.. sbb dia kana tutup window nie ngan kain canves yg warna hijau kat atas nunn...

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kiteorg saja jerk pilih utk duduk kat belakang buntut train! so that can see the train moves nicely!

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OMG! this is something really exotic! selalu dok tengok kat dlm movie2 jerk kann.. sekali lalu jugakk aku kat jambatan gantung camgini!

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Chuuuuuuuuuuuuu... chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

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asap kuar kiri kanan atas kepala si Billy!

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seriously this is really awesome! awesome feelings.. awesome views and awesome experienced!

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gonjengggg tak terkata!

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senggeeeehhh jerk sepanjang jalan! huhuhu...

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ni bahagian ekor train plak!

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layan kan ajeee si gonjeng yg tengahh meraungg keanak-anakkan tu! ngagaga.. :p

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train menyusuri kawasan pendalaman....

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view yg sentiasa menghijau..

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yes! I love greeny views!!

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hutan yg ternyata Un-Touch!

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I love this.. I love this.. and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thissss!!! :p

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alamak.. tercabut pulak hood aku nie!

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dah lah sejukkk.. kene gak tutup kepala!

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ade org dah surrender nak duduk kat sini.. tapi gonjeng tetap bertenggek secara gorjes disini walaupun bontot agak kematu dah! hahaha.. :p

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ternampak ade rumah org disekitar kawasan nie..

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seee.. so pendalaman kannn...

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tenaanggg.. amannnn..... dan sangat mendamaikan.. ternyata jauh dari kesibukkan kota!

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tapi kalau aku yg kene duduk situ.. maukk meroyan gakk sbb jauh dari segala-galanye.. huhu... takat bercuti ok la kot.. ngeeeee~~~

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can see that we're on high level!

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laluan sempitt.. tapi still memberanikan diri menjulurr kaki! hehehe..
So begitulah sedikit lebih kurang perjalanan kami selama 1/2 jam sepanjang perjalanan dari Belgrave ke Menzies Creek!

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di perhentian MenZies Creek.. we with some other people turun di hentian ini... sesapa yg beli tiket trip utk ke Emerald @ Lake Side & jugak terus ke Germbrook.. boleh stay dlm train tuu... sbb train tu akan meneruskan perjalanan ke station2 berikutnyer!

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so tukar platform utk menuju semula ke arah Belgrave!

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Compare kan jaket aku yg nipiss tu ngan jacket depa2 yg bukan main tebai tuu.. mana lah aku tak sanggapp kesejukkan.. huhu...

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dimanakah train saya?

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since tak sampai lagi. kite sambung gedikss2 dulu lah ngan train yg aku naik tadi nie..

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Okk.. train yg ditunggu sudah kunjung tiba...

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puffing billy nie akan menuju ke arah Belgrave semula!

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Owhh.. sukerr amik gambar ngan org2 oldskool nie.. ni Station Master kat station MenzCreek!  Chomel lah atok nie! baik pun baikk sangat! :D

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hahaha.. time balik ke Belgrave... camera bertukar tangan! en. teman plak amik feel duduk sambil melunjurr kaki! :D

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ko jgn ingat dia tak eksited cam binik gonjeng dia taww...

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in fact dia lebih teruja taww!

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nanti kan ajerr aksi en. teman korang nie yer!

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betol kann?? aku ckp kann???

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cam kanak2 ribenaa lah Beee oiiiiiiiii!! hahahhaa..

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we passing by again the oldskool bridge!

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here u are.. we're back to Belgrave Station!  after spending 1 hour on the gorjes Puffing Billy!

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yeaa.... we enjoyed the rides!!!

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Serioulsy Puffing Billy adelah satu tempat yg perlu dilawati kalau korang ke Melbourne!  Kalau ade duit banyak.. nak wat wedding atas train nie pun boleh.. dia ade coach yg we can dine in for lunch and dinner and even for special function! but semua tu opkoss lar perlukann $$$$$$$ kannn.. hehehe... 

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on the way back to Melbourne City... sesungguhnya di Puffing Billy.. telah tersemat satu kenangan yg indah for both of us! wonderful experienced and wonderful memories! :)

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kenangan dari Puffing Billy.. yg kat atas tu tiket zaman sekarang.. yg biru tu diaorg bagi as a souvenir coz itu lah sample of original tiket di zaman dahulu kala!


  1. bestnya....pemandangan pun cantik..

    station master tu dah macam the fat controller dlm thomas (the train engine) je.. my son suka sgt cite tu...

  2. great moment enough. love to see all those pictures!

  3. gempak babe! mmg syok jadi kanak2 ribena kalau naik train! best!

  4. This is a long post yet a beautiful journey and worth my time to read it. So Puffing Billy tu adalah sebuah keretapi antik? I wish to have chance to go to Melbourne and experienced it myself someday. :)

  5. bestnyer.... biler la nk rezeki nih :)
    nmpk u singgah jengok kami tadi ;p

  6. tak payah pi sana pun dh dpt rasaii aura keseronokkan uols menaiki train tu.... :)

  7. waduhhhh....bestnya..tang juntai2 kaki tu yg x tertahan tgk nye...
    ni sume bersemangat nk kumpol duit byk2 nih..hahaha

  8. khusyuk sungguh mekchu baca satu per satu.. suka sbb ada story for each pic..

    noks, nak tau tak.. mlm tadi mekchu mimpi mcm naik train oldschool ni ngan papa-jit.. rasanya sbb pengaruh melbourne ni kuat sangat suruh papa-jit bawak gi sana.. siap paksa suruh dia bukak blog gonjeng ni.. hahaha.. happy for you guys..

  9. alamak, tak gerun ke duduk tepi cenggitu masa lalu jambatan kayu... myself lak rasa cam huyung nak jatuh jer train tu takut2 berat sebelah hehehehe

  10. bestnya kak...sgt tradisional tau....mesti ade bunyik keretapi yg tut tut tut tu kan..:)

  11. chekna @ mama ziyad:
    haha.. ha'ah.. memang train nie ala2 thomas gitu! :D

    hihi.. TQ sooo much! ;)

  13. aEn+aReaL=Ryan:
    memang enjoy this rides! :D

  14. nome:
    ehehe.. tu arr.. lupa diri terus! ehehee.. :D

  15. Benrauf:
    yeaa.. u shud go for this ride.. yuP! it is an antik train! :D

  16. eB ezrin:
    insyallah I doakan utk tu sampai ke sini gak satu hari nanti..

    ehh.. adekah kamooo yg saya senyumm2 simpul maluuu di pos office KLCC hari tu? huhu.. :D

  17. Biqque:
    oh yess!! harussssssssssss!! :D

  18. wAnNy:
    ehehehe.. haa... kumpul2.. mesti leh pegi sini punyer! tapi kena pegi time tak hujan taw.. if not susah tak leh nak juntai2 kaki camgitu.. :D

  19. mekchu:
    ahahahahaha.. ok lah tu mekchuuu... insyallahh.. masin mulut gonjeng niee.. pasti lepas nie mekchu ke Melbourne naik train chuu chuu nie plak! :D

  20. sW33tdARLiNG:
    ehehe.. Ok jerr.. sbb ade palang tu.. tapi kalau org gayat rasanyer cam seriau gak kot.. :D

  21. Wahidah:
    ha'ah dear.. memang sangatt traditional.. bunyikk chuu chuu dia tu tak berhenti henti.. :D
