Friday, June 10, 2011

5th W.A. > 5th Trip to Melbourne @ Jejalan Around Melbourne CBD Di Siang Hari!

Sepanjang berada di Melbourne.. asal ade kesempatan utk jejalan around city centre.. memang kami berjalan sehabis mungkin..  tapi dlm pada berjalan tu pun tak lah tercover semuanya... sbb bandar dia pun besar.. aku takat dpt cover sekitar Melbourne City Centre yg jugak dikenali sebagai Melbourne Central Business District (CBD) and itu pun tak habis rasanyer! huhuhu...

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Ok.. jom layan gambar2 kenangan kami disekitar Melbourne CBD!

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antara bangunan2 lama masih dikekalkan disekitar bandar Melbourne...

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menuju puncak bukit... yg berlatar belakangkan bagunan2 pencakar langit di bandar Melbourne!

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relax jap!

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sambil menikmati permandangan Yarra River & Southbank!

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let's move on..

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this is the Old Treasury Building!

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belakang aku tu adelah hotel yg paling mewah rasanyer kat Melbourne.. The Hotel Windsor! sangatt gorjes hotel nie punyer architecture!

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tak dpt duduk hotel mewah nie.. dpt bergambo depan hotel ngan penyambut tetamu dia pun jadik la! hehehe..

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Di bangunan Parliament of Victoria!

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bangunan parliament yg gah dan sentiasa dikunjungi ramai tetamu!

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one of the heritage building!

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this is another one....

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this is Flinders Street Station!
"Flinders Street Station is among Melbourne’s most recognizable landmarks & the busiest suburban railway Station in the southern hemisphere. The Melburnian idiom “I’ll meet you under the clocks” refers to the row of clocks above the main entrance, which indicate the departure time of the next train on each line.."

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kat sini pedestrian crossing yg paling sibukk aku rasa..

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Melbourne Aquarium merupakan salah satu tourist attraction kat bandar Melbourne!  Tapi kiteorg tak masuk pun.. sbb masa tak mengizinkan..

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Kalau sebut Melbourne.. tak sah kalau tak sebut Yarra River!  Leh wat cruise tour gak kat sini...

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yup! behind us is the Yarra River!

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Melbourne City... nestled on the shores of the Yarra River...

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dah penat jejajalan seharian disekitar bandar Melbourne.. masa utk merehatkan kaki sebentar!

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sambil bertemankan burung seagull dua sejoli! sama lah seperti kami.. ngagaga.. :p

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aramak.. camera tersalah focusing point! lantakk!! nie lah bahana kalau amik ngan tangan sendiri.. haha..

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air sungai Yarra nie cukelat sikit.. tak macam kat Swan River @ Perth yg lebih clear air dia... but yet walaupun cukelat air dia langsung tak tercemar dan berbauu..

Kalau ikutkan banyak lagi tempat2 yg boleh kami cover kat bandar Melbourne nie... tapikan apakan daya... kami kekurangan masa utk explore all over the places... huhu.. Ok.. in next entry akan aku share kan gambar2 disekitar bandar Melbourne di waktu malam hari pulak yer! :)


  1. Woi!!! Bestnya..huhuhu...aku tumpang ronok jugaklah...hehehe

  2. aku ingat nak like2 kan jer entry ko nie.. sekali tgk.. anak buah aku punya profile lah pulok..ntah bila masa lah pulak dia guna lappy aku nie...

    apapun best nyer holiday ko!!

  3. cntik2 semua pic ni neena...suka sy tgk...

    ni kalu sy sebut2 tmpat ni smeua kat mak abah sy mesti dorang tau..kami pernak duk Melbourne..nnti kalu parents sy dtg sy tunjukkan blog neena kat dorang yer..mesti mak abah sy terimau kenanagan kat xigt dah masa tu sy kecik lagi...

  4. paling suka gambar daki bukit tu.. pandai je carik angel.. tiba2 teringat no wonder lah kain baju kurung hari tu boleh koyak... hahaha.. hampunnnnnnnn.....

  5. k'neena pandai posing. sume gmbr nmpk menarik sbb model dia menarik :)

  6. really nice lorrrr...tapi tu la sungai coklat ermmmm hehe tapi semua shantekk okkk

  7. Aduyai Neena...seriyes jeles ni.....grrrr...duit..duit..duit... di mana engkau duit...gua mau pegi situ...duit.......:)

  8. Biqque:
    hihi.. ok ok ok.. akan disambung secepat yg mungkin! :D

  9. Eri-chan:
    kannnnnnnnnn... hehehe.. :D

  10. Cik Rose Cute:
    hihi.. sila2.. jgn segan2 nak tompang! :D

  11. Softtouch [Hanim]:
    owhh ye ker? hehe.. ala.. jgn lah tunjuk my blog at your parents.. maluuuuu gilozzz nanti! hihihi... :D

  12. mekchu:
    hahahahaa.. sabauuu jek lahhh!! :p

  13. tiefazatie:
    hehe.. thanks dear! :D

  14. Bitt:
    ha'ah kann.. tang sungaii tu jerk yg wat spoil! huhuhu..

  15. melin melinda:
    hihi.. insyallah you leh pegi sini.. grab during Air Asia promotions fare yeah! :D
