Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tag "N" !

This tag from
CikBedahLaser, Vee & POSH! thanks sweet ladies coz sudi tagging me! Walaupun lambat... I keep my promise to settle my hutang piutang! hehehee...


It’s harder than it’s looks….

Copy to your own notes….

Erase my answers…..

Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people…..

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions……

They have to be real…..

Nothing made up….

If the person before u had the same first initial, u must use different answers…..

You cannot use any word twice…..

You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question…..

~ What is your name ~ Neena

~ A four letter word ~ Nice

~ A boy’s name ~ Nadzreen

~ A girl’s name ~ Negeena

~ An Occupation ~ Neurologist

~ A color ~ Nude (bukan bogel ok! :p)

~ Something u wear ~ Necklaces

~ A food ~ New York Chicken 1901

~ Something found in the bathroom ~ Neutrogena

~ A place ~ Norway

~ A reason for being late ~ Nuisance

~ Something u shout ~ NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!

~ A movie title ~ No Country for Old Men

~ Something u drink ~ Nescafe

~ A musical group ~ Nirvana

~ An animal ~ Numbat

~ A street name ~ Nottingham Street

~ A type of car ~ Nissan

Then tag to 20 people....
~ makkk aiii... tak larat den nak list kan... senang citer... sapa2 yg rajin nak wat tag nie.. silakan lah yer! enjoy & thrill gak buat tag nie.. sebab confirm pening nak memikir... hehehe.. :D


  1. hehehe.. finally kan?
    thanks dear...
    how are you today?
    have a great day ahead yeah? :)

  2. kita malas..hahahah sebab dah buat dah...

  3. Takut termuntah jerk pas wat tag nih..he3..dah pening fikir mcm2....ha3...

  4. hehhheeh

    nice jugak gune huruf N...

  5. takde la susah sgt kan tag ni? nigina? wahh nama cam dalam samarinda tuuu.

  6. Vee:
    hehhehe.. yeah.. walaupun lambat.. I tatapp siapkan jugak! ahakss!

    same to you dear! have a great weekend! ;D

  7. PuRpLeLiCiOUs:
    hehehe.. takpe.. kalau dah buat.. just ignore it! ;D

  8. azzey:
    hahaha.... cuba lah wat tengokkk... pening itu dah pasti.. muntah tuuu... dah lain tu! kekeke...

  9. cikbedahlaser:
    hehehe... thanks! adik buat lah guna your initial name pulak! :D

  10. Adia:
    hehehee... susahh tu tak lah.. cuma fening tu ade! ahakss!

  11. sy sudah wat kak nina... huruf R...
    sangat mencabar ..err bg sy la..hik hik hik
