Friday, June 4, 2010

Sungguh Malang Nasib Mu Wahai Gadis!

Salam Jumaat my beloved readers!

Since semalam dan rasanyer akan membawak ke hari ini... aku punyer mood disentap sikit ngan kes seorang sarawakian girl student yg meninggal dalam keadaan yg sangat2 menyayat hati... Semalam petang waktu balik dari keje... aku terbaca kisah nya di The Malay Mail Newspaper yg mana dia mati terbakar hidup hidup apabila kerata yg dipandu nyer terlibat ngan satu kemalangan jalanraya.....

Keadaan kereta mangsa yg hagus terbakar....

Lebih aku rasa sadisss biler malam tadi aku terbaca this notes kat FB.....

This is part of it... aku akan pastekan secara penuh the whole notes kat bawah nie...

FUCK BHP!!!!! FUCK BHP!!! why? let me tell you!!

this morning approx 3.20am, at Cheras Tmn Pertama roundabout,

saw a freak accident, involving a Vios, Myvi and a Lorry.

im one the first badge who arrive, mean it just happen maybe seconds ago.

Vios believe to be turtle and badly damaged. When im passing by the vios, rear passenger started to pull out the front driver and front passenger.

then when i pass the Myvi, the car was totally sardine. Heard one girl was yelling cos piined inside. I stop my car then run towards the myvi to offer a hand while calling 999 emergency line to request for ambulance and bomba.

then saw fire spark at the engine bay of myvi. while still on the phone with emergency line to provide more details, i run back to my car and drive to BHP station which is just less than 500m away from the scene.

then i request for the fire extingusher from the attendant which is kept inside. There was 4 extingusher on the ground. But the attendant refuse to pass to me.

the BHP attendant claimed dat the door cant be open.

then i shout at him, i need it! i want it! someone is pinned inside the car and its started to burn!

then the BHP attendant keep repeating he kenot borrow and open the door.

then i was like WTF! if ur kiosk is burning can u come out? then he replied yes.

then he still say he kenot open the door. Then he say his boss wont allowed to borrow. WTF!!!

then i started to amuk kicking the kiosk and punching the glass of the kiosk.

i even throw my IC to him say that if im dun return u report police.

i saw i borrow.. if i use it i will pay for it. then he keep on just smile at me.

then he ask another partner to come out. Then i start shouting and yelling at them with bad words saying dat if the girl dies you two are the murderer.

then the 2nd BHP attendant shout back at me.

i demand for their names, i told them i would complain bout them,

then the 2nd attendant copy down my number plate and said that all my acts been recorded on CCTV and he gonna report to police tumoro. I challenged him.

then i drove off back to the scene.. the car was totally burning and the poor girl was burn alive inside.

then i spoke to the Bomba and PDRM how many casualties was inside. they told me one girl.

Then i spoke to PDRM about the incident happen in BHP.. then the policemen also scold with anger WTF with them.. if i could get the fire extingushier.. the girl might be saved.

then the Policemen ask me to go police station to report a cover about the BHP, and he assured me that the stupid BHP wont get to report on me.

Personally i would like to ask, how much does 4 fire extingusher cost? isit more expensive than a life?

would like to ask the BHP petrol station's boss! u cant afford to lose 4 fire extingusher then u better closed down your station!!!! Fuck you boss!!!!

and this is to BHP MALAYSIA!! seens your procedure to keep all safety gadget inside the kiosk... if anything happen during refueling... is your attendant gonna open the door to help? seens he claimed that the door cant be open after hours??


i personally from now on will boycott BHP... i dont know how about you all!!!

gonna give BHP HQ a call tumoro... see what the fuck will they say about this kind of safety measurement they have!!!!!

for the two BHP attendant!!! you are the murderer!!!!!

Ngerikan??? kalau korang nak tau more details... just click STAR ONLINE nie...

Bayangkan.... hanya kerana sikap endah tak endah segelitir manusia & sesetengah pihak yg tidak prihatin & bertanggungjawab.... maka hilanglah satu nyawa yg tak berdosa.. aku tak boleh bayangkan macam mana keadaan budak perempuan tu bertarung nyawa biler dia terperangkap dalam kereta tu dan terbakar hidup hidup... nauzubillah... :((

Common lah... kalau pun ko takot petrol station ko nak kene rompak let say.. secara logiknyer takkan lah org yg nak merompak tu leh sampai mati2 nak mintak fire extinguisher kan?? and mamat tu siap campak IC kat org petrol station tu lagi.. that means it's really serious biler org dah boleh bagi dia punyer IC pada pihak lain! aku pun tak tahu lah nak kata apa... seriously aku tahu kalau kat negara luar.. bende2 camgini kurang terjadi... diaorg really alert & concern over all this type of things!!

Sesungguhnyer malang tak berbau... semoga kite semua dijauhi dari malapetaka sebegini... Esok aku akan ke JB... Rasa seriau pulak nak travel during school holidays nie coz lebih banyak kereta on the road... korang doakan semoga aku selamat pergi & kembali yer! And aku pun akan doakan pada korang2 semua yg akan gie berjalan sana sini during cuti sekolah nie... take a good care of yourself keh! *HUGS*


  1. kakneena.....nida DOAKAN akak SELAMAT PERgi DAN seLAMat KEMbaLi...moga ALLAH lindungi perjalan akak dr per. yg bahaya.....

  2. selamat pegi and balik...syg skali i tak de kat JB..i balik my hometown :(

    enjoy ek kat jb heheheeh

  3. takleh bayangkan.. seksanya girl tu kan...

  4. hey tak patut betul orang bhp tu. Bohongok sungguh. Org yang nak pinjam pemadam api tu siap campak ic lagik. Geram nye.

  5. Sedih sangat sebab that girl meninggal dgn cara begitu...akak doakan neena selamat pergi & selamat kembali...have a safe journey ya...take care...happy holiday :-)

  6. masya-allah ajal dan maut...semoga nasib kita akan lebih baik ketika mengadap ALLAH..takut carefully k sis..have a nice journey..sedey sangat...kat budak tue...semoga rohnya aman dan tenteram...

  7. aduh.. sungguh tragis.. kenapalah sengal sampai tak bagi pinjam.. takkan org sengaja nak minta benda tu.. takder otak betullah..

  8. eee..seram... anyway, akak gi JB ingt2 shu kat sini er..hehe.. take a good care & selamat pergi & balik....

  9. Ya ALLAH.. cedih wina baca sis... CONFIRM sayer pun BOIKOT BHP.. ape ke jadah toi.. TABIK ar org yg cuba get the pedam api tue.. mmg wina respect... tapi.. CEDIH TOI story.. thanks for sharing sis

  10. hiiss.. org macam tu pun ade... memang patut pun boikot... nak boikot juga laaa...!!! erm.. sadisnyee...

  11. memang masyarakat kita ni kurang prihatin bab-bab cam tu.dorang prihatin benda lain.

  12. org mcm ni pun ada ke? patut ke tali gantung je tu.. ntah2 pemadam api kat dlm tu menan pya tak? sbb tu mcm2 alasan dia bg

  13. salam jumaat dak cantik...
    berhati2 di jalanraya k..

  14. i'm crying during read this entry...
    mmg ajal maut dI tangan Allah... tp as human yg berhati perut, mungkin the fucker tu boleh menyelamatkn keadaan itu. i hate that fuckerS!!! boikot BHP! kejam cam ISRAEL!!!

  15. sian sgt kt dia...akak esok ke JB, drive safely k.. ju doakan sumenya selamat.. amin..

  16. iskk..dhla aku pakai bhp b4 ni...

  17. hmmm...
    smoga kite smua d lindungi allah n dijauhi kejadian yg tak d ingini...

    budak petrol tu mst terSANGAT la lurus... ckp bahasa melayu tak faham tu.. huh...

  18. mende2 ni yg sgt2 menakutkan...tapi kalu dah kene nak buat camna...cuma kalu boleh elak...elakkan...I pun sedey gak baca story ni
    Insyallah doakan u selamat pergi dan balik...

    enjoy ur trip ye...

  19. Nid:
    Thanks dear! alhamdulillah.. akak dah pun selamat pergi & kembali! :D

  20. IdzaLia:
    yeaa.... tak leh dibayangkan! :(

  21. sisdee:
    thanks sis! tu lah tak der rezeki nak berjumpaan lah kannn...

    alhamdulillah... walaupun penat cam nak rakkk kat JB.. but I do enjoy the trip! :D

  22. kak eynda:
    tu lah.. mintak2 kite dijauhkan dari insiden seperti itu kan..

    thanks kak! ;)

  23. PuRpLeLiCiOUs:
    tu lah.. harap2 kite pergi dlm keadaan yg lebih baik kann..

    thanks sis!

  24. rATu kEBaYA:
    memang bonggok kan! katanyer takot ade insiden rompakkan di waktu tengah malam.. tapi logik lah.. takkan lah org nak rompak tu sampai berani campak IC kan? haihh!

  25. Shu:
    THanks dear! akak sentiasa ingat pada kawan2 blogger dimana jua akak berada! ewah! hahahahaa..

  26. Atiqah:
    yea.. mari kite boikot bersama-sama.. tapi like me memang tak guna BHP pun! :D

  27. lady XOXO:
    tu lah... memang sadiss tol kisah nie!

  28. kak ina:
    betoi2.. sangat2 di persetujui ckp akak tu! :D

  29. churalliya:
    tu lah pasal! tak tau nak buat apa nga org2 cam gini.. pasal dia abis ilangnyer satu nyawa yg tak berdosa! :(

  30. Iena:
    wwwwwoooooooo.. marah betoi ko nie babe! sabar.. sabar... yeah.. mari lah kite sama2 memboikott merekass itu!

  31. Jue:
    yea.. sian kat budak tu.
    thanks jue! alhamdulillah.. akak dah pun selamat pergi dan kembali...

  32. ratusiput:
    hah!! baaikk boikkot cepat! hehe..

  33. cikbedahlaser:

    entah larr.. kot2 banggla kaa???

  34. POSH:
    yes.. exactly!

    alhamdulillah.. I dah pun selamat pergi & kembali... nanti I blog it out yeahhh! :D

  35. Pelik la manusia zaman sekarang, pentingkan diri sendiri..x per..orang2 teraniaya mcm gadis tu sure doanya makbul..dan doa kami semua yang tidak teraniaya ni mmg akan terus makbul..wahai bhp attendant..sure korang hilang kerja lepas ni..bongok..x kan orang nak curi fire extinguisher bodoh tu...
