Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Her 30' Birthday Bash!


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The Lady....

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Who Celebrated Her 30's Birthday Bash on 25th April 2010!

Does she worry about the 3 series???

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Absolutely NOT! hehehehe..... :p

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Well.... I'm still feel good at the age of 30's....
Alhamdullillah.... Syukur dengan segala rahmat & keberkatan yg Allah berikan sehingga hari ini... Aku masih lagi di berikan ruang dan peluang tuk terus bernafas dibumiNYA ini...

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Walaupun dah masuk ke angka 3... tabiat bershopping tak penah hilang!! haih nie memang tabiat yg sgt susah nak dibuang! Mana tak nyer... 1 day before my birthday sempat lagik aku menyopingkan diri... hahaha.. asalnyer nak carik barang for my vacation... tup2 ternampak lak top dress pink yg sgttt gorgeous nie kat butik Naf Naf (pada aku lar gorgeous... hehehe...) Itu pun aku rembat sbb ade 30% discount.. kalau tak memang rasanyer ku just say hi hi bye bye jerk lar kot kat baju tu! :p

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Satu lagi tabiat yg sukar dibendung... biler nampak camera didepan mata.. mula lah diri tak reti nak duduk diam... terus jerk secara sepontan bergediks sana sini... hahaha... well.. esok kalau dah ade anak pun.. aku rasa tabiat nie sukar tuk dibuang.... harus aku bergediks santai ngan my babiess lak... :D

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And of course at the age of 30's... I feel sooooo bless coz I have this fabulous guy who is always behind my back... next to my shoulder... and also in front & on top of my body! Whoooooooooppppsssssssss.... hahahaa.. tettttttttttttttttt!! :p

p/s: aku harap jgn ade yg terloya melihat aksi2 ku itu yer.... hihihi.. al-maklum lah... dah sedia maklum kannn tuan tanah memang suke berposing sana sini.... so korang layannn kan ajer yerrrrr! :p


  1. muahahaahahahahhaahha...sweet le u nie..

    and of course the top pun sweet hehehhe...i pun suke posing camni kdg2...cuma tak letak dlm blog jek :)

  2. lagi gambar please.tak kan tu je.gambar celebrate birthday tak de ke?.baju tu cantiklah.kaler sesuai kat kajol.

  3. comel,cantek,gorgeous, cute, lawa.. semua2 la...serius..

  4. hehehe lady sangat tak banyak berposing... :D
    neena, walau 30 tapi still maintain cute..

  5. go on babe!!! 30's just a small don't happy..hu3...

  6. fuLLLLAmakkkkkkssssssssssss.....NeeNa.....u LLOOOK so chANtek laaa sis....
    i saLUte you...

  7. opppssss nasib baik xjuling mata kita tengok pic sis yang dari bawah tue..hahahahahaha..jangan mare.... :P

  8. fulamakaiiiiiiiiiii... cunnnn.. Next pics please..hehe

  9. apapun u still menten sweet 17 hehe....i tak muntah suka lagi ada....kelass posing2 gitu hehe

  10. mula2 masuk 30 tu rasa cam tua je. tapi once dah 31, 31.. so on, orang kata akan rasa biasa je :) welcome to the 3 series club ye, kita sebaya :)

  11. happy belated birthday neena...
    hey! nice dress! vee nak satu! seriusly lawa... im sooo jeles... hehehe

    some women looks more anggun when they are 30's

  12. takpe age just a number.. yg penting hati mesti muda kikiki.... cantikkkk

  13. Liana:
    ...i agree.. 3 series or whatever was just a number...yg penting jiwa muda ..he3...

  14. gambar dari bawah tuh.. fuh.. nasib tak nampak tuut..hihihi

  15. Happy Birthday Neena dear...

    30 is just a number...u still look young...

    may all ur wish come true...
    be happy always and always..
    stay cheerful all the time
    and all the best k

  16. sisdee:
    THanks sis!

    Lorrr.. naper tak letak! letak lar sikit.. mesti cun nie! heheheh....

  17. Kak ina:

    hehehee.. thanks sis! lap u lah! :D

  18. Shu:
    hohohohohoho... nie nak kene blanja lebih kat shu nie!! hehehee. TQ DARLING! *HUGS*

  19. Nid:
    huhuhu.. TQQQQ VERY VERY MUCHHHHH DEARRRR! Muuuaaaahhhhssss!!!

  20. Purpelicious:
    kakakakakakakaaka... jaga2.. nanti kene ketumbit taw! :p

  21. Aini:
    huhuhuhu... thanks dear! ;D

  22. POSH:
    hehehehe.. TQ darling! lap you lahhh! muuaahhhsss!!

  23. Adia:
    hihihihihi.. betoi2.. thanks babe! :D

  24. Vee:
    THanks deary! camner nak kasik yek.. neena pun ade satu jerk! hehehe.. nanti neena carikkan tuk vee yer kalau jumpa lagi lah yg camgitu! ;D

    exactly! *wink*

  25. Deqna:
    dont worry fren... confirm takkan nampak nyer lah! hahahaha..

  26. Cik E:
    TQ very much sis!! luv you ! *HUGS*
