Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mamat Nie Memang Dah Physco!

SINGAPORE, Jan 13 — A Singapore court today fined, a once popular Malaysian rock singer Mamat, S$1,000 (RM2,400) for stealing a mobile phone and a watch.

Mamat (picture), 31, whose real name is Mohd Ali Kamarudin, was a lead singer of Malaysian band Exist in the 1990s.

An online media report said he pleaded guilty to stealing the S$580 mobile phone and a watch from Noor Shazeel Sazali, 24, at the latter’s home in Bishan here on Nov 11 last year.

The court heard that Shazeel placed his phone and watch of unknown value on the table in his dining room before going to bed for an afternoon nap, but found them missing after he woke up five hours later.

He later discovered from his father that Mohd Ali had been to his flat with a close relative, the online edition of the Straits Times said.

Mohd Ali was tracked down to his girlfriend’s house here a few days later. –- Bernama

p/s: Dia nie memang dari kecik dah nakal (kes tangkap basah)... biler dah tua retaa nie... tak jugak sedar2 diri... esok2 anak dia sendiri jadik pencurik amacam?? haissh!


  1. ya ampun... tatau lah apo nak dikato...

  2. isk..isk..patotnya,artis kene la tunjuk sikap yg baik..terok ni.

  3. hah aku pun dgr kisah ni kat radio pagi tadi masa on the way ke ofis tadi..

    apa ker sengkek sgt artis kita ni asyik nak mencuri ke kerojernya..

  4. ohh dulu kita minat la nan mamat nie..tambah2 lagu oh ibu tue kan..skrang dah xminat dah...

  5. kalu dah kaki mencuri ke menipu ker mmg susah nak insaf...buat malu ajer

  6. Wirdah:
    tu lar pasal kannnn... sesungguhnyer tak leh dijadikkan 'role model'!

  7. Deqna:
    pasal dia dah tak der koreje lar tu kot beb... so nak duit, pergi lah mencurik!

  8. Annah Talent:
    THanks for your invitation...

    I bergambar just for fun & as a hobby jerr.. kalau nak jadik model tu belum sampai minat lagi lar.. :D

  9. Purplelicious:
    ha'ah.. lagu oh ibu tu memang syahdu tol kan!

  10. POSH76:
    memang pun! pasai tu bini dia pun dah mintak cerai dah kannn...
