Friday, June 19, 2009


Suddenly feels very downnnn... tears starts dropping everywhere.... Owwwhh Noooo.....

I miss U... I miss U & I really Miss U... still wish U are around! Wanna hear your voice.... wanna see your happiness... wanna see your anger by scolding me when I'm wrong.... wanna see your excitement... wanna see how do you enjoyed your food.....

Wishhh can see U everyday once I go home.... see your smiley face! How cheerful are you when I bring back some kuih for both of us to have our evening tea while chit chatting together in every evening..... Ooohhh.... Gosshh... why... why.. suddently all these sweets memories trigger into my mind!

Ohhhhh.... Nooooo... all that was just a memoirs & memories for me!! uhuk... uhuk... :((

Remembered her advice to me when she was sick... we were spent our time together on da bed.. I sleep next to her... I hug herr... I kiss herr... I give my loves to herr... and then I cried over her shoulder... and saying... "I just can't live without U... & how do I live without U?" Then she smiled at me... kiss me & hug me by saying... "if you thought of me... just pray for me... and sedekahkan Al-Fatihah... I'll be happyyy..."

Oh my God.. I just can't stoop these tears from dropping off!

AL-FATIHAH for Mak.....

Loves u for ever n ever.... :((


  1. Neena..let me hugs you, please..
    Sediih baca entry ni..Sabar Neena..sama2 kita sedekah AL-Fatihah buat arwah yer...

  2. hugz gurl friend... air mata cida pun menitis baca entry neena ni... sama2 kita sedekah Fatiha yer...

  3. opps.. luper lak.. neena anda telah di tag yer.. sila buat homework ..

  4. Hasra & Cida:
    Thanks gurls!

    Cik Piah:
    huhuhu... kene buat yek? hehehee. insyallah...

  5. Masa aku baca entry ni hari Jumaat lepas,aku memang tersentuh... it really touched me...hinggakan aku tak terkomen pun.. hari ni baru boleh komen...

  6. Deqna:
    No worries fren! Thanks for your support all these while to me! Hugs!!
