Monday, June 1, 2009

Trip to Paradise

Wowww!!! Just don't know what to say... I've never thought that my dream come true... at least one.. going to Maldives... one of the dream come true...

Hooollllaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... yeaaaa.... I'm back to Malaysia.. afte
r 5 Days 3 Nights @ Maldives Island....

Before aku continue with aku nyer citer kat paradise island nie... meh la aku citer sikit2 about Maldives nie.. mungkin ramai org tak tau about this country... Maldives nie merupakan satu negara islam. Kepadatan penduduk
hampir 396,000 yg terdiri hampir 99.9% dari puak Islam Sunni. Org2 dia kalau kite tengok memang cam org melayu pun ade.. but more towards muka cam mamak or indian muslim kat negara kite nie lar...

Maldives nie terdiri dari 1,191 pulau2 kecil di Lautan Hindi.. org pertama yg jumpa kepulauan maldives nie adelah Sir Darwin apa entah aku p
un tak ingat sgt nama penuh dia.. tapi org putih lar... mengikut kajian dia... kepulauan maldives nie terbentuk dari tatonik gunung berapi yg lebih kurang macam biler gempa bumi & tsunami melanda... so hampir 99% of its 90.000 km² is covered by the sea!! keseluruhan 1191 islands kat maldives nie are spread over 26 atolls, atolls nie maksudnyer is a coral formations by enclosing a lagoon, yg mana ia menjadikkan Kepulauan Maldives satu negara yg amat unik atau secara detail nyer it called as "PARADISEEEE....."

Maldives nie tak nampak pun kalau tengok kat google map... hanya nampak perkataaan Maldives jek.... tapi location dia dekat2 ngan Sri Lanka lar...

This is the Atolls looks like....

Map Kepulauan Maldives

Ibu negara Maldives adelah Male'... bukan Male (lelaki yeeeee) tapi it pronounce as Maaa-Laayyy...

so ok lar.. nanti aku hupdate lagi.... hari nie tenet lemauu gilerrzz.... really annoying lar!! aku tengah fening camner nak hupload gambar kat facebook almost 570 pic.. and also fenin nak select pics for blog entry.. so, korang tunggu lar yek aku punyer gambo @ facebook and also my next entry about my trip!!



  1. waduh waduh... bestnya tengok... cantik tul laut dia... sangat bersih... sangat cantik... and so romentikkkkkkk.... ni yang nak suruh en Zamani kumpul duit ni.... ahak!

  2. masya Allah so lawaaaaa!

    must add in the places to go with Iman list :D

  3. cantikkk nyer....untung nyer dpt pergi negara orang ni kan....

  4. woit.. aku tau ni entry intro sajer.. tapi nape ko kendekut gambar.. sekeping jer ko letak... letak lah lagi.. tak cukup.. sesungguhnya memang cantik....

  5. Suki Cida:
    ha'ah.. seyes.. memang cantikss bangat!! harus suruh en. zamani membawa anda ke sini yeeerr...

    hahahha.. U shud dear! but Iman has gone there before but I don't think it gonna be da same as be with u tho!!

    yup!! jauh perjalanan.. makin luas permandangan...

    hahahahahahahahaha.. sakit perot aku gelakkan ko ok! memang saja nak bagi ko sakit hatiii.. sbb tak dpt tengok gambar aku yg banyak2 lagi tuuu.. hiik.. hiikk.. EEEEEeeeeeeeeeee...

    ye lar... yelarr... harap bersabar OK! ko tau tak gambar aku hampir mencecah 600 keping dow! insyallah by tomolo.. akan ku publish di facebook...

  6. Kak Neena......Have you realize that u can be author of a novel......u really know how to impress people by your story.....really impressive.....orang yang tak pernah pergi maldives pun boleh imagine suasana dekat situ.......I still waiting for your upcoming experience......thanks for share things and really will help me in future...heemmmmm

  7. Nanthini:
    hahahaha.... author... no lar.. biasa2 ok lar... hehehhe.... good if u can feel it!! so u can plan ur own trip I guesss... :))

  8. thanks for this info! hahaha before this i no nothing bout the island. haha now i can get every tiny detail from you!!

  9. Superstar:
    No worries.. i loves to share info with people.. it's a knowledge rite! :))
