Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Worried.... :(


Perasaan aku bercampur baur....


harap2 semuanyer baik2 sajer.... korang doa-doakan lah yg terbaik buat aku yer...

p/s: jap lagi aku nak pegi jumpa doktor pakar... harap2 semuanyer OK... :((

Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Rumah Baru'

Hi you olllzzzz.....

Amacam... chantikkssss tak layout baru 'rumah' aku nie? hehehehe.. yer yer.. aku tau.. dah ade a few of you yg dah pun kata menarik layout baru nie kan... hehee.... terima kasih lah yer atas pujian kalian!!

Actually ade 2 perkara yg membuatkan aku tukar layout baru nie taww... ok yg pertamanyer coz blog aku nie bakal menjangkau usia 1 tahun bulan 1 nie... elehhh.. baru setahun nak kecoh! hehehe.. ye lar... anak setahun pun dicelebratekan jugak kan? so apa lah salahnyer aku pakaikan baju baru tuk blog aku nie haa sempena ulang tahun dia yg pertama....

Ok reason yg kedua... aku nak kan layout yg lebih simple but nice... then ruang tulisan yg lebih besar... bukan lah aku nak tulis berjela-jela sgt diruangan yg besar tu... TAPI! ianyer more utk ruangan gambar2 yg nak aku share kan ngan korang disini.... contohnyer seperti ini!

DSC_2291 copy

My latest picture!
Nie kat tempat kenduri nie... sempat lagi aku posing kannn...
memang dasar tak reti nak duduk diam biler depan camera kann... hehehe..
Nanti2 aku bloggin about it yeah...


Hah! amacam?? OK tak?? Agak2 puas tak korang tengok gambar2 yg bakal aku tempekkan kat sini nanti ngan saiz2 camgini??? hehehe.. giler ngada aku kan.... ye lah.. dah sememangnyer blog aku nie penuh ngan gambar2 kann.. so aku sendiri rasa cam best jerk tengok gambar besar2 nie... semuanyer bermula ngan cousin aku lar nie.... aku tengok blog dia bubuh gambar besar2 cam nie... wahhhhhhhhh puasnyer aku tengok gambar2 tu... so tu yg aku pun dok gatai nak buat camtu tu... hehehehe... anyway.. thanks Ayub for your info about this yeah! ;)

Now nie aku masih lagi dlm process pengubahsuaian.. actually tak banyak dah pun... tinggal sikit2 jerk touch up lagi... aku tak tau lah korang suke ker idak kannn... so aku nie kununn kununnn nyer nak lah buat Poll kat page aku nie... buat punyer buat.... tup2 sekali biler keluar kat page aku nie... golap! tak nampak pun perkataan YES or NO! korang leh refer kat side bar aku tu hah... tak nampak kan? aku rasa font dia tu hitam tu... tapi puas dah ku godek2 kat edit HTML tu... tak gak boleh.. tak tau kat mana lagi nak godek dah sampai dah naik biol dah aku nyer pale nie! mata pun dah berpinar.. dok nampak codes2 HTML jerk!

So, sementara aku nak mencarik jalan penyelesaian for that thing.... korang leh lar refer kat pic kat bawah nie yg aku dah buat print screen.. kot2 korang nak vote ker kan... and korang leh hightlight gak kat situ in order nak tengok which one is YES and which one is NO...

Yg atas tu YES... Yg bawah tu NO...

p/s: kalau kot2 ade sapa2 yg tau camner nak tukar warna font yg hitam tu ke putih... sila2 lar ajar aku yek! thanks!!






*clap... clap... clap... clapppppp*

As aku wish kat ko tadi.... nie aku wish lah lagi sekali disini yerrr....

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI ULANG TAHUN YG KE-2 PULUHHHHhhhhh.... takper lah... yg no akhir tu tak perlu lah aku sebutkan disinikan... wat rasa suspen jerk tuk celebrate b'day tahun depan... hahahahaa....



Jaga diri ko baik2 yer... tak sabar aku nak dengar anak ko panggil aku UNTIE NIN nanti... ahaksss!!

Apa pun... aku sentiasa mendoakan yg terbaik buat ko! *HUGSSssss*

Lepas nie kite posing ber-3 lak yek.. kalau baby ko pompuan lah.. confirm dia suke bergedikkss cam kite jugak kann... hahahaa...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Beli Diamond Lagi...

Biler time2 nak Christmas nie... mula lah sales sana sini kan ... offer pun macam2... kebetulan lak aku nak mencarik my new Diamond! Yelah yg lama tu pun dah sampai masa tuk dibuangkan ke tong sampah... wah... kaya sgt aku nie kannn... main buang2 diamond ke tong sampah.. confirm kaya mat2 indo & bangla yg jadik tukang angkut sampah kat umah aku tu! Eh... memang diaorg kaya dari kite pun taww.. jgn tak tauuu... macam2 bende berharga yg diaorg dpt dari hasil mengutip sampah hoke!! Ok... dah back to my diamond story!

So, jalan2 kat KLCC hari tu... dpt lah aku rembat diamond aku tu...

Tengah memilih package diamond yg berkenan dihati!

So, inilah package diamond yg menjadik pilihan aku...

This is my Diamond... :p

Ok lar... for Christmas nie diaorg buat special offer sikit... dpt lah aku 100ml + body lotion + shower gel dengan harga hanya tuk sebotol perfume tu sahaja... kire like buy perfume free body lotion & shower gel lah.. pada aku this time punyer offer agak menarik lah... coz before2 this kalau aku beli hanya takat dapat miniature2 tu jerk.. tapi this time dpt sebijik shower gel yg 50ml & sebijik botol body lotion with 50ml jugak yg worth for RM100++ setiap satu kalau tak salah aku.... so agak berbaloi2 lah.. ditambah pulak ngan packaging yg sgt chantinkss....

suke aku ngan box dia nih! harus ku simpan as collection!

Before this aku pakai perfume Ralph Lauren "ROmance" yg colour pink tu.. but since early of this year aku tukar ke Diamond Emporio ARmani ni lak... mungkin dah kemaruk dok tengok si Beyonce kat TV tu hah.... sambil dok menjerittttt.... "DIAMONNNNDDDDDDDDD"... hehehe... tapi tak dinafikan lah bau Diamond nie best lah pada aku.. kalau bau tak best.. takat Beyonce jadik duta... tak hingin aku pakai.... hehehe...

anyway.. perfume nie will last me for 6 months.. ok lar kan... bulan 6 tahun depan baru aku shopping diamond nie lagi sekali... tu pun kalau nak stick with diamond nie lah.. kot2 ngan harapan badan leh jadik cam Beyonce biler aku spray satu badan ngan perfume tu... Beyonce lagik! huhuhuhu....

How to Survive Negative, Unmotivated Colleagues!

Ingat pada entry yg NIE? Hah... nie lar article yg aku ckpkan tu... aku dpt email nie from 1 of my officemate... mula2 waktu aku dpt email tu cam malas jerk nak baca... ingat cam errmm.. nanti nantilah aku baca... tapi biler dlm email dia tu tertulis.....

“Take your time to read till end……..worth reading to understand facts of career”

So, aku pun teruihh jerk baca... memang betoii pun u oollzzz... kalau boleh amik lah masa tuk baca article nie walaupun ianyer agak panjang... coz it is really2 worth reading... pada aku ianyer satu article yg sgt2 menarik dan jugak satu panduan yg sgt2 berguna buat kite dlm menghadapi situasi2 sebegini.... enjoy reading! (kalau korang agak2 tak paham on certain2 words tu coz it is in english... jgn lah segan2 nak bukak dictionary keh! :D)

10 Dec 2009, 0230 hrs IST, BusinessWeek
By Jeff Schmitt

Every company has them. You know the type: complainers, excuse peddlers, and hermits. They've worked here forever, seen and done it all, watched bosses come and go. They follow routine and resist change. In essence, they're killing time and collecting a check.

In business, they're called dead-enders. They arrive late and leave early—and no one dares challenge them. Forget facts and logic: They crave innuendo and conspiracies. They gossip, bellyache, play games, and create drama. As a result, they consume valuable time, energy, and morale.

Sadly, dead-enders are often clustered together, a clique feeding off one another's misery. Of course you didn't know this when you joined them. But your reality quickly becomes self-evident. When you step up, they view you as a threat: the person who creates more work or secretly acts as management's spy. But when you follow their lead, you're swept up in their rancor or entitlement.

Obviously, managers have the leverage to keep dead-enders in line. But what happens when you're on equal footing with them? What can you do when you're outnumbered and exposed? Consider these strategies:

Stay Focused

This department may be a good starting point, but it's not where you want to finish. Sure, their antics will tempt you to dash over to management or human resources. But remember: It's management's negligence that allowed the dead-enders' mentality to fester. They cemented it in the first place.

No, your sanity will come down to remembering the bigger picture. You obviously joined the department for a reason. Whether you're boosting your technical skills or exposing yourself to new markets, set timelines and benchmarks. Focus on what you need to learn and then move on.

You're no different from a distance runner, all alone, clicking off mile after mile. Like any runner, you should visualise your destination to help you endure the soreness, fatigue, and doubt. Your co-workers may annoy or sidetrack you, but it's your commitment, day after day, that ultimately makes or breaks you.

Watch Your Behavior

They're snarly or snarky, quick to point out everyone's faults. Unfortunately, attitudes like these can quickly rub off on anyone. To avoid slipping into naysayer mode, consciously focus on how you think, work, and act. Keep your guard up, knowing what you could become once your will is broken and discipline lost.

Character is often forged in trying times. A losing atmosphere can suck the life out of some. For others, it steels hunger and resolve. In this case, you can use these conditions to consciously master vital soft skills: composure (tuning out distractions), stress management (remaining upbeat), self-discipline (staying above the fray), and planning (executing a personal development strategy). As you climb the ladder, you'll inevitably encounter the same bullies, liars, blamers, and eunuchs. Preparing here just reduces your chance for error when the stakes rise later.

Be an Example

Let's take it a step further. Sure, you start by channeling everything inward. But self-reliance has limited value to others. And why blend in when you need to excel? No, you want to turn everything outward—all your passion and knowledge—to make a difference. And that means stepping up and becoming an example (and a target).

Start by reaching out personally. Be the person who brings homemade brownies or organises potlucks. Learn about your peers' families and interests, always looking for what you have in common. Go out of your way to be nice and always nonjudgmental. At the same time, carefully measure what you say. Minimise what you reveal about your personal life: It can be used against you later. Don't make negative comments of your own; just change the topic, feign ignorance, or slip away. You'll only toss gas onto the fire when they drag you into their grievances.

Similarly, look at how you manage your time and your own persona. The walls have ears: Are you projecting a can-do vibe when you team up with clients or other departments. Your cube is likely part of the traffic flow.

Are you focusing on your job or slipping off to eBay (EBAY) or Facebook? Raise the bar. Contribute in meetings, conduct training sessions, and manage initiatives from start to finish. There's nothing like competition to amp up the energy level. By going against the grain, maybe you can tap into their long-dormant instincts and raise expectations.

Understand the Root Causes

On some level, you sympathise. You can almost imagine these dead-enders on their first day at work. They were bubbling with enthusiasm, harboring the best intentions, determined to leave a mark. But then the years took their toll. Maybe they grew weary from always being ignored. Maybe their anger swelled when they evolved into the company dumping grounds, first blamed and last funded. Or maybe they gave up, posing only token resistance to a "see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil" culture.

Now they're albatrosses, and you're stuck with them. You watch them go through the motions, without vision, viewing themselves as powerless victims. And they wait for their "good enough" lives to somehow improve, afraid of the unknown—and losing the little they have left.

What does this mean to you? Chances are, they view you as a newbie. Their jibs and jabs may be meant as helpful warnings about a dysfunctional culture. Often, their intent is to shield you from disappointment. You can understand their sentiments, but don't adopt them. Instead, always look to draw them away from the past and embrace those hidden opportunities in the present.

Make Connections

It's tough to stay upbeat when there's little support around you. To get through, start cultivating a support network of your own. Look for allies who can champion you—or help you maintain a positive outlook. Cultivate a mentor who can monitor your attitude and redirect those negative energies. In return, always look for ways you can bring value to these individuals, too.

Turn the Other Cheek

Sure, they might trash you behind your back. They have to validate their cloistered worldview somehow. Still, ask yourself: How much are they damaging my future job prospects? And do I need them to get my work done? Maybe your best bet is to treat them like spoiled children, ignoring their rants. Let them pout or shun you. In the end, they'll take far more from you than they'll return. It's a test of wills; you just need to outlast them.

Or Call Them Out

You've played nice and bit your tongue. Still, their asymmetrical attacks are taking their toll. But you already know that appeasing bullies only whets their appetites. In the end, they only respect power.

On rare occasions, consider burning a bridge so you're not tempted to retreat. What does it mean? When the petty becomes personal, take action and set boundaries. Privately clear the air with the offenders individually. Cite examples of what is inappropriate and set expectations going forward. If that doesn't work, put them on the defensive. Challenge them to find another job if they're so unhappy. Expose their cowardice and shame them for it.

Sure, you'll face some fallout. They'll deliver their sob story to their peers (if not your manager). They may even plot retaliation. So be it. You want their respect, not their phony camaraderie. Anything less is a dead end.

Jeff Schmitt works in publishing in Dubuque, Iowa. His monthly column, "The Personal Touch," is published by Sales & Marketing Management magazine at

Copyright 2000-2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved.
Provided by BusinessWeek

Eerrrmmm... amacam? interesting tak? Sepanjang aku baca article nie, aku tersenyummmmmmmmmm lebarrr jerk sampai ke telinga! :D

Lalalalalalalalaa... :p

To me it is such a good article by Jeff Schmitt... lepas nie rasanyer aku akan lebih rajin tuk carik bahan2 ilmiah (educational) camnie.. ye lah kan ... dah tuuu... ade sesetengah bahalol bin mangkok yg dok sakit hati jerk biler aku berbloggin about the FACT & REALITY kengkadang tu kann??? hah! Now nie adelah lebih baik aku carik article2 yg berusur2 ilmu seperti ini tuk aku kongsikan di blog aku nie hah!

*tetiba lak terpikir ade tak agak2 org giler yg nak gie MARAH & SAMAN si Jeff Schmitt nie? Or maybe silap2 haribulan Business Week nyer website yg kene block by Kementerian Penerangan Malaysia sbb mengeluarkan article sebegini! muuahahahahahaa.... oh yaa.... satu lagi... hukum hakam baru yg aku temui... melayari YouTube hukumnyer HALAL... berBlogging hukumnyer HARAM! = Memang confirm physco!!*

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Smucker’s gOOber!!

Huhuhu.. lama giler aku tak makan gOOber nih! Arwah mak aku yg suke sgt ngan gOOber nie.... makan ngan roti... mmmm... yummmy... yummmy...

Tapi kalau amik terlalu kerap... ia nyer boleh mengundang masalah kegemukkan yerr... so, since aku dah lama giler tak makan.... gie kedai hari tu, tup2 ternampak bendealah niee.... terus aku sambar....

Dulu waktu aku kecik2 murah jerk taw... dlm RM4++ camgitu lar... now nie.... mak aiiii... berkali2 ganda herge nyerr... ye lah dah bertahun lar pulakkan.... skg nie RM9.80 sebotol... errmm.... sedap nyer pasal.. ku tak kisah! Sekali sekala jerk pun.. kalau selalu.. abih lar aku nyer figura larikksss nanti... huhuhuhu...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Curi @ Tak Curi..??

Seorang pemuda sedang menjalani perbicaraan dihadapan hakim atas tuduhan mencuri basikal seorang gadis.

Pemuda: Tidak! Saya tak curi basikal itu.

Hakim: Jangan kamu cuba menipu. Gadis ini membuat laporan mengatakan kamu mencuri basikalnya.

Pemuda: Dia tipu! sebenarnya, dia memberikannya secara percuma.

Hakim: Maksud kamu?

Pemuda: Begini tuan hakim, ketika saya dalam perjalanan pulang dari sekolah, gadis ini meminta bantuan saya untuk memboncengnya menggunakan basikalnya sendiri. Dalam perjalanan, apabila tiba di kawasan semak, gadis itu menyuruh saya berhenti. Dia kemudian membuka baju dan seluarnya dan berkata kepada saya bahawa saya boleh mengambil "barangnya" yang berharga dengan percuma. Jadi saya terfikir, kalau ambil baju wanita itu, bukan saya boleh pakai sebab saya lelaki. kalau ambil seluarnya pula, pun begitu juga. Akhirnya , saya ambil keputusan untuk mengambil basikalnya. Itulah cerita sebenarnya.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Salam Maal Hijrah!

Salam Maal Hijrah diucapkan kpd semua umat Islam....
Semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan & keredhaan drpNya... dan juga semoga kita dipanjangkan umur & dimurahkan rezeki hendaknyer..... ~Amin~

Akhirnyerr.... Lepas 20 Tahunnnnnnnn.......




Aku nie bukan lah fanatik sgt pun..... tapi semangat kesukanan aku kuat hoke!! ye lar... akak kan dulu olahragawati... but now dah pencen! pencen tak bererti hilang minat kannn... aku layan gak lar sukan2 nie... nak2 kalau sukan2 yg melibatkan Malaysia kannn....

Tapi se-fanatik fanatik aku punn.... aku tak leh nak challenge en. teman lah... dia memang fanatik yg melampauuuu!!!! bising nak mampuihh kalau tengok game2 yg melibatkan pemain2 malaysia... nak2 Bola & Badminton! phewww... sila lah siapkan lah kapas @ ear plug kat telinga ko!! memang dari elok2 kite nie sabar... lama2 hilang sabar hooke... mana lah aku tak ilang sabar.... mulut diaaaa... ya alllaahhhhhhhhh... macam cik kiah buat mesyuarat tingkap!!! POt Pet Pot Pett Pottt Petttt... tak berhenti2... pastu siap terjerit2 lak cam cikgu yg marahkan anak murid!!! giler punyer high peach!!! aku dah banyak kali tersedakk & terbahak ok!!! hangin tol!!

tapi tu aksi en. teman tuk waktu game yg bukan final lah.... tuk hari nie.... game final tadi.... nampaknyer en. teman tak keseorangan!!! binik dia joint sekaki gak.. malah lebih sudu dari kuah nampak nyer.... wakakakkaa... gegak gempita rumah aku hoke!!! siap tutup sliding door, pintu dapur semua lah... giler kuat... kiteorg terjerit2 cam org sakai dah gamaknyer dlm umah nie hah!! sib baik lah nie Malaysia... kalau luar negara lah... confirm kami laki bini malam nie tido lokap biler jiran tetangga gie buat report pulisssss!!

aku biler dah final... baru lah aku bagi penuh konsentrasi... baru ade feel nak tengok and nak sokong... kalau takat tak sampai final tu.. buat penat je lah aku nak sokong2 nih! sbb memang dah taw dah... confirm Malaysia kalah!! pasal tu aku buat deekkkk jerk kalau game2 before final nie.. tak kose nak sokong sgt... sbb menyampah dah banyak kali sokong... confirm kalah lah! takpun diaorg tau aku tengok kot... pasal tu diaorg kalah? eh... boleh ek camtu?? arrgghh.. apa2 jelah!!

anyway... tahniah lah buat players malaysia... walaupun atas jaringan gol sendiri dari pihak lawan.. tapi game tu bukan lah game yg bangang sgt pada aku... at least team malaysia give a good challenge to Vietnam! bettter then before2 nie lah... yg game nyer memang giler banggang aku tengok! tapi jgn lah kejap nie jerk!! balik sini kang dah dpt habuan cam nak rakk kang... tengok lah.. confirm masing2 lupa diri... pastu kang jatuh merudumm balik.... haiiii... entah lah... just wait and see.... apa pun.. doakan lah yg terbaik buat diaorg... coz all of them masih mula remaja lagi... masih jauh perjalanan diaorg kannn...


p/s: confirm kembang kuncup kembang kuncup hindung puan rita rudaini & cik Ayu Raudah tu yer biler cik abg mereka si kembaq tu jadik hero malam niee.... :p

Great Day!

Huhuhuhu..... hari nie agak ceria mood aku!!

Dpt motivation after read this one article! It was such damnnn good article! nice to read over and over again... hehehee...

nantilah.. later2 aku share apakah article itu yek.... now nie aku nak layannn bola SEA game final niee.... so kene concentrate... (tapi sempat lagi create entry kan... ahaakkss!!)

Gooooo.... Malaysiaaa Gooooooo..... You can do it!!!!

*kilauan emas @ kilaun perak nie?* huuurrrrmmmm....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Some people are really really disgusting!!!

Why suddently you have sooooo much time to spend on?????

Yeaaa... You're such a crazyy maniac!!! coz what others do... it's Wrong to you... but what you're doing... it seems to be Right!!!


We'll Back Again @ Cyberview Lodge


Confirm lepas2 nie aku akan ke sini lagi.... Insyallah... dekat pun dekat... harga pun quite reasonable ... sapa2 yg ade corporate rate tu especially org2 gomen.... leh lar gunakan corporate korang tu yek!

Cam aku... corporate sapa lagi yg aku nak guna pakai kalau bukan corporate rate en. Teman kann.... ok lar.. dari RM400++ for 1 nite stay... ngan corporate en. Teman.. dpt lah pada harga RM368 nett per room per nite... tuk bilik, environment & services yg diberikan... aku rasa it’s really2 reasonable.. ye lah.. kalau gie mana2 majority hotel kat area2 KL nie lah, kengkadang tuu takat dpt bilik jek sebijik dgn keluasan yg sgt kecik.. then, sah2 tak der view for relaxation (kalau dah mengadap jalanraya apa relax nyer kan )... but harga dah mencecah hampir RM400 gak.... hurrmm.. baik lah aku gie lepak sini jerk lepas2 nie for weekends gateaway....

Aku harap2 lah yg resort nie dpt mengekal kan.....

The Best SPA Resort yg bertaraf 5 bintang!

The Best SPA!

Ini yg buat aku sgt2 tertarik jugak...

Setiap hari diaorg tak berhenti-henti dari membersihkan kawasan sekitar.. no wonder resort really2 well maintained!

Well... tak lengkap rasanyer kalau tak takder gambar kami berdua kann.... so, before check out dari resort tu.. sempat lah kami berdua bergedik santai seketika disitu!

skg nie en. teman lebih suke shoot gambar dari bergambar lah! Gamaknyer makin kurang lah gambar2 aku ngan dia lepas nie... uhuk.. uhuk...

Ok.. masa utk pulang....

perlahan mengatur langkah...
* tak nak balik yg benar nyer tu... :p*

insyallah... kami pasti kembali.... ;)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Model Rexona @ Cyberview Lodge

Dlm aku asyikkk berposing sana sini kat cyberview niee... tetiba ade model rexona lah kat sana .... dia pun wat photo shoot kat situ... jom tengok aski model rexona for men nie beraksi!

aksi manja si jejaka rexona....

aaaawwww... Tak tahan I youuuu!!!

hhmmmmmmmmm.... harummmnyerrr bauu haruman rexona niee!

“Hehehehehehe.. amacam? Ade gaya model rexona tak?”

Layankan aje lah laki aku tuuuu.... sian dia... teringin ko... nak bergaya ala2 model gitu.... siannnnnn.... hehehe.... tapi kan Bee.... tak yah lar you jadik model... biarlah Bee jadik photographer yg sgt macho seperti ini jerk...

Ceaa... macho.. machoo.. hensem lah!
(harus lah binik sendiri puji kan... dpt aku pahala nie puji laki sendiri dari dok puji tom cruise tu hah, apa yg aku dpt kan.... :p)

Actions @ Cyberview Lodge

As usual lah... aku kalau gie holiday... mana leh tak der aksi posing2 nie kan... lagi pun... en. teman kan skg nie gatal tangan jerkk... gatal tangan bukan nak sentuh aku... tapi gatal tangan nak sentuh DsLr dia tu lah...

so, aku pun apa lagi... memang dah namanyer kaki posing kann... on jerk lar.. so, pada sesiapa yg suke nak layan... Layaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn............ sapa yg tak suke tu... pandai2lah bawak diri yerr... @ dipersilakan tutup monitor tuuu.... ;P

hurrrmmm..... relaxxx sat! penat dah posing nie!

aarrrrggghhhh!!! nak pose cam mana lagi nie en. teman??

Uuuuuuuuuuuu.... let me think!!

Haaaaaaaaa..... dpt idea dah!!

Let's continue!

wwwhhhooppss! checkchi disitu! :D

Yeay!!! dahh abis dahh!!

Adoiiii... giler letih dok melayan en. teman buat outdoor shooting! ye lah... org tengah nak asah skill... so, sapa lagi yg nak layan kalau bukan binik dia nie kann... sib baik lah dpt binik suke posing... so tak yah lar susah2 carik model kann... selagi leh posing nie aku posing lew... sok2 dah busan berposing... eh aku akan busan ker? ngehh... ngeh... ngehhh... It's my passion LoL!! :D